Can I Go Paddleboarding With My Dog?

One of the best ways to enjoy quality moments with your pup is to go paddleboarding together. Although dogs are not great fans of water, they still enjoy the sea breeze blowing against their face. Paddleboarding with your dog helps you stay fit. Imagine the effort that is needed in paddling and using bodyweight to balance right in the middle of the sea.

Fear has deterred some dog owners from enjoying this wonderful adventure with their canines. If you’ve never been on a paddleboard with your dog, this article is for you. It will teach paddleboarding newbies how to get started.

Furthermore, before you start paddleboarding with your dog, let’s consider 5 things you must know before the adventure.

Before Paddleboarding With Your Dog: 5 Tips To Get Started 

Before hitting the waters, there are things you must bear in mind for your safety and that of your pup. Without the right skill for stand-up paddleboarding, this outdoor adventure can quickly turn into a nightmare for you and your dog.

If you want an enjoyable paddleboarding experience with your dog, the following 5 tips will surely help you out.

1. Get a Standard and Stable Paddleboard

You don’t want to risk going to the sea with a crappy paddleboard with your pooch. If this were to happen, your attention would be solely focused on maneuvering the paddleboard instead of having fun.

Although a good and stable paddleboard might not come cheap, it’s worth investing in a good one.

2. Learn How To Paddle

If you are a rookie at paddleboarding, take some lessons on how to paddleboard. Learning how to paddleboard yourself would prevent the scenario of having two amateurs in the middle of the sea. To prepare for SUP, increase the strength of your core muscles. Paddleboarding experts recommend training 6 to 8 weeks before going paddling on the water.

When you become a pro at stand-up paddleboarding, you can then start thinking of catching some real fun with your four-legged furry friends.

3. Wear The Appropriate Clothing

When hitting the waters, you and your canine must dress appropriately to avoid being caught in the cold. More so, life jackets must be worn by both of you. To prevent cold feet while on the deck, get no-slip neoprene socks or booties. These no-slip booties would ensure good traction on the deck.

Furthermore, to protect your dog from the harmful effects of direct sunlight while on the deck, buy a sun-blocking rash guard for your dog. You can equally buy a sunshade to protect yourself from the harmful effects of UV rays.

4. Go Along With Towel

A dry towel would help your canine from falling off the deck. Paddleboard’s deck is slippery, place a dry towel on the deck to provide enough group for your dog.

Consequently, with enough grip, your pooch will be more confident about moving freely on the paddleboard without fear of falling.

5. Don’t forget your Camera

It is often said, “A camera is a SAVE button for the mind’s eye”. Imagine not taking photos of the amazing moments you had with your dog in the middle of the sea. You may end up not forgiving yourself about this.

Take your camera along to capture the memorable moments with your dog. You will be able to share these moments with family and friends. Before hitting the water, ensure you keep the camera in a dry bag. Remember to pack a whole lot of treats for your dog and some snacks for yourself.

Things Needed To Paddle Board With Your Canine

To go paddleboarding successfully with your dog, you need some gears. The gears you would need include the following:

  • Appropriate board and paddle
  • Pooch floatation device
  • Board with good surface grip
  • Lots of treats for your dog

Appropriate board and paddle

There is a wide variety of paddleboards being sold at varied prices. To paddleboard with your dog, you need a wide and stable paddleboard. When you’re shopping for a paddleboard to buy, buy a paddleboard that measures at least 10 feet long and 32 inches wide. This would offer more stability for you and your dog.

Moreover, the measurements above are not rigid. Before buying a paddleboard, take your weight and that of your canine into consideration. The bigger the weight of your dog in comparison to that of the board, the more unbalanced the paddleboard would be on water.

Pooch Floatation Device (PFD)

For the safety of your dog, wear him a life jacket. Experiences have shown that most dogs can swim, a life jacket offers more protection for your canine. Before setting out to paddleboard, wear him this life jacket so he would get used to it.

In addition to protecting your dog, a life jacket provides warmth for your dog. Your dog might be unable to talk, but he would surely thank you inwardly for providing additional warmth.

Board With Good Surface Grip

You need a paddleboard with a good surface grip for the sake of your dog. Before spending your hard-earned cash on just any paddleboard, make some research. A lot of paddleboards do not provide the required grip for dogs.

Furthermore, inflatable paddleboards are suitable in this aspect. Many inflatable SUPs are equipped with a full deck pad that offers good traction for dogs. If you find out your paddleboard lacks a sufficient deck pad, you can improvise. Yoga mats or bath mats would fit in perfectly.

Lots of Treats For Your Dog

Treats make dogs super happy. Reward your dog for this great adventure by bringing lots of treats on the deck. One of the effective ways of bringing your canine on the board is by offering him treats!

The next time you plan on paddleboarding, your dog would jump on the deck without any problems.

Top 5 Ways of Introducing Your Dog To The Board

The idea of paddleboarding causes anxiety for dogs. Paddleboarding with your dog involves introducing a whole lot of new things to your pup. Things such as wearing a Pooch Floating Device or mere standing on the board. It can be overwhelming for your pup!

With the right approach, you can make this transition as seamless as ever for your dog. The following 5 tips offer practical guidance on how to safely introduce your pup to the board.

1. Teach Simple Commands To Your Dog

Before hitting the waters, make sure your dog understands simple commands such as “Stop” and “Sit”. If your canine doesn’t obey simple commands, do not go paddleboarding with him. It’s dangerous.

2. Acquaint Your Dog With The Board

Weeks prior to paddleboarding with your dog, keep the paddleboard in an area of the home your dog frequently visits. Seeing the paddleboard everytime would get him used to it. Do not expect your dog to jump on the paddleboard immediately after seeing it. Bringing him on the board will require some further efforts.

3. Stock The Board With Treats

Dogs love treats! Use treats to entice your pup to jump on the paddleboard. To do this, put the treats on the board and in the surrounding areas. If your dog doesn’t respond to the enticement, don’t force him. With time, he would jump on it.

4. Practice Paddleboarding on Dry Ground

After your dog has hopped on the board, the next step is to practice paddleboarding with him on dry ground. Wear a life jacket for your dog, prepare as if you are for real paddleboarding. When the time comes for both of you to hit the waters, it won’t be a strange thing for your pup.

5. Learn How To Paddle Board

Never attempt to paddleboard with a dog without being relatively good at paddleboarding yourself. You must be very comfortable standing up and maneuvering the paddleboard. Dogs can detect when their owners are under stress, your dear pup would mirror your stress levels if you’re uncomfortable.

How To Paddleboard With Your Dog For The First Time

If you are paddleboarding with your dog for the first time, follow these tips:

  • Leave your pup at the shore as you go paddleboarding all alone. When on water, wave continuously to your dog. Let him know you’re having fun.
  • Go near the shore, hold the paddleboard still, make a gesture to your dog to hop in. Watch his reaction, if he doesn’t jump on the board, don’t force him.
  • If your dog jumps on the board, start paddling in a knee-bent position for proper balance.
  • Stand up and start paddling with your dog at close range to you.
  • Keep it short for the first trip. Reward your dog with treats when you hit the shore.
  • Have the mindset that your pup can jump out of the water at any time. Don’t stand paddleboarding around any hazard, in case your dog jumps off.
  • Remember to bring clean water along for both of you. Never allow your dog to drink salty ocean water.

6 Safety Tips When Paddleboarding With Your Dog

Paddleboarding with a dog is fun, but when safety precautions are not followed, it can suddenly turn into a nightmare. Adhere to the following tips when paddleboarding with your doggie:

  • Check the weather forecast well in advance before setting out.
  • Choose the appropriate board
  • Never keep a dog on a leash when paddleboarding.
  • Always make sure your dog wears a PFD (life jacket) while on the paddleboard.
  • Go with a first aid kit.
  • Never abandon your dog in the vehicle

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